How well do you understand the services that you are providing and what can you do to make sure that you are going to be getting the results that you need? For instance, do you contract with independent practitioners or with outside vendors? How well does your billing work and is your collections service outsourced? The issue is that any area that you do not control is going to be at risk. How do you respond to things like reductions in reimbursement or with denials of reimbursement entirely? Considering things like this can help you figure out what you need to work on.
When you are thinking about creating healthcare compliance program, make sure that you have a compliance officer who is working for you. Not only do they have to be trained in the subject, you should make sure that they have a lot of experience in the area that they are working on. For instance, they should always understand the need and the importance of policies for everything from billing to coding to documentation and so on. They should also be a person who is of the utmost highest moral standing and who will not allow a job to go undone or to allow it to be done shoddily or in some other way lazily.
Make sure that you have a complaints department that works well with the rest of the company. Remember that a complaints department should not just handle the customers, but they should also handle your employees. If there are things that can be improved, the complaints department might be just the people to work on it. How are they working together and how well do they do things like assess risk? Do they move forward well and do they know what their options are going to be when it comes to figuring out how well to deal with these needs?
Finally, make sure that you implement disciplinary policies. Far too many companies decide on disciplinary policies only when there is a problem. Being able to know what is going on can make breaches of policy much easier on everyone involved. Take some time and make sure that you have policies hammered out, even if you hope never to use them. This can be very important further down the line.