Compliance Positions - 7 Steps to Obtaining Compliance Positions

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When looking for compliance employment people forget that it's the interview and not the credentials that determine whether or not they get the position. Your presentation and character are what will help the interviewer verify if you are the right candidate to fill that compliance vacancy. So to make sure that you do not overlook the interview basics, below is a seven step guide that should help you get that much closer to obtaining compliance positions.

7 Step Guide to get Compliance Positions

1. Pre-interview research

This is an important rule of thumb before any interview be it for compliance jobs or any other vocation. It would be particularly beneficial for you if you have up-to-date information on the company's various business activities. This will show that you have a genuine interest in the organization's core activities and its performance. You can gather such information from the internet, through talking to company employees or, where possible, talking to a media relations or an industry expert who can give you some insights on the company's recent exploits.

2. Dress code

Even though it is said one should not judge a book by its cover, it is not so in the corporate world. When interviewing for a compliance vacancy, how you dress determines the way people perceive you. If you're not sure about the company's dress code, you could always pass by their offices some day before the interview to gauge the dress code based on what their employees are wearing. To be on the safe side however, you should always dress formal and professional. A crisp, simple suit in subdued colors should suffice. Steer clear of bright colors and flashy jewelry that might distract the interviewers. Before your compliance vacancy interview you should not eat foods that have a strong after scent (such as garlic) or those that may make you drowsy. Make a point of passing by the lavatory to double check your appearance in the mirror just before the interview.

3. Introductions and first impressions

During your compliance career interview, you should leave the interviewing panel with the impression that you are a composed, sincere and competent individual who is best suited to fill the compliance vacancy. Handshakes should be dry, warm, firm, and most importantly show confidence. Look the interviewer in the eyes and smile to convey sincerity. Do not take anything for granted during the interview, sit only when asked to and try not to fidget. Fidgeting is distracting and may send the wrong message to the interviewer.

In addition, manners are very important but many interviewees still overlook this aspect. As you sit, maintain an upright posture as this will show that you are attentive. Also, your compliance career might depend on how well you treat the receptionist - be nice to the person at the front desk. Receptionists and personal assistants not only control the flow of information to the higher echelons in the company but also hold substantial influence with higher level management. Your politeness or arrogance to them might seal your compliance employment fate.

4. The interview

Like most job interviews, interviewers for compliance positions will often ask interviewees to talk about themselves. You should try to keep this narration brief. Do not to go off topic. Make an effort to relate it to the job. The aim of this question is to gauge how you act under pressure as well as the level of importance with which you hold your different levels of experience. Give the interviewer a broad description of your positive character traits and then tell them how they would be beneficial to your compliance career.

5. Use the S.T.A.R answering technique

This acronym stands for situation, task, action and result. It is commonly used to answer competency based questions during compliance employment interviews. When asked a question about your performance in various compliance positions your answer should state the situation you were in and the task you were charged with. This should be followed by the action you took and the end result of the action.

6. Interact with the interviewer

Build a healthy rapport with the interviewer. Listen carefully before you answer any questions and try to keep you answers relevant to what has been asked. Be concise but to the point. Strive to be polite and positive when answering questions about former employers or compliance jobs.

7. Be professional but true to form

Make sure that the direction you have taken in going for compliance jobs is the right one. You do not want to get the job only to realize later that it's not what you really wanted. Be sincere and polite but let the interviewer see your real personality and whether it fits in with the job.

Now that you're equipped to handle interviews for compliance jobs, you can find the best job listings at With thousands of listings available, you need only sign up for a FREE trial today to open the floodgates of opportunity.
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